Present Tense A/V –아/어요/해요 (Informal High)

Present Tense A/V –아/어요/해요 (Informal High)

We usually use this form when having casual conversations. It can be considered the most commonly used form in Korean because it is used in everyday conversation. It is also frequently used in broadcasts. Although ‘Formal High’ is often used in official settings, this form is also used. It can be applied to both adjectives and verbs. One thing I would like to emphasize is not to try to memorize these all at once. How can you memorize these rules in an instant? The wisest way to study is to practice, apply, and check these rules over a long period. Please keep that in mind.

These are the two basic rules when conjugating -다 to 아/어요/해요:

1. Remove ‘다’ from the end of the word.

2. And add 아/어요.

Use –아요 when the word stem has a last syllable that ends in ‘ㅏ’ or ‘ㅗ’.

When the word stem ends with a final consonant (받침), add –아요.

좋다(to be good)

  1. 좋다 -> 좋
  2. 좋 + 아요
  3. 좋아요 

높다(to be tall)

  1. 높다 -> 높
  2. 높 + 아요
  3. 높아요

많다(a lot, many)

  1. 많다 -> 많
  2. 많 + 아요
  3. 많아요

알다(to know)

  1. 알다 -> 알
  2. 알 + 아요
  3. 알아요

  • 이 카드는 좋아요 (The card is good.)
  • 건물이 높아요 (The building is tall.)
  • 사람들이 많아요 (There are many people.)
  • 그 사실을 알아요 (I know that fact.)

2. When the word stem ends with anㅏ(vowel), drop 아 in ‘아요’.

가다(to go)

  1. 가다 -> 가
  2. 가 + 아요 (drop 아 in ‘아요’)
  3. 가요

사다(to buy)

  1. 사다 -> 사
  2. 사 + 아요 (drop 아 in ‘아요’)
  3. 사요

자다(to sleep)

  1. 자다 -> 자
  2. 자 + 아요 (drop 아 in ‘아요’)
  3. 자요

타다(to take a transportation)

  1. 타다 -> 타
  2. 타 + 아요 (drop 아 in ‘아요’)
  3. 타요
  • 학교에 가요 (I go to school.)
  • 책을 사요 (I buy a book.)
  • 아침에 자요 (I sleep in the morning.)
  • 버스를 타요 (I take the bus.)

3. When the word stem ends with a ‘ㅗ’; combine ‘ㅗ’ with ‘ㅏ’, so that it becomes ‘ㅘ’.

보다 (to see)

  1. 보다 -> 보
  2. 보 + 아요 (combine ‘ㅗ’ with ‘ㅏ’ to make ‘ㅘ’)
  3. 보아요 -> 봐요

오다 (to come)

  1. 오다 -> 오
  2. 오 + 아요 (combine ‘ㅗ’ with ‘ㅏ’ to make ‘ㅘ’)
  3. 오아요 -> 와요

쏘다 (to shoot)

  1. 쏘다 -> 오
  2. 쏘 + 아요 (combine ‘ㅗ’ with ‘ㅏ’ to make ‘ㅘ’)
  3. 쏘아요 -> 쏴요
  • 영화를 봐요 (I watch a movie.)
  • 학교에 와요 (I come to school.)
  • 매일 저 선수들은 총을 쏴요. (Every day, those players shoot their guns.)

Use –어요 when the stem’s vowel is neither ‘ㅏ’ nor ‘ㅗ’.

1. When the word stem ends with a final consonant (받침), add ‘-어요’.

먹다 (to eat)

  1. 먹다 -> 먹
  2. 먹 + 어요 (add ‘-어요’ since the stem’s vowel is neither ‘ㅏ’ nor ‘ㅗ’)
  3. 먹어요

읽다 (to read)

  1. 읽다 -> 읽
  2. 읽 + 어요 (add ‘-어요’ since the stem’s vowel is neither ‘ㅏ’ nor ‘ㅗ’)
  3. 읽어요

씻다 (to wash)

  1. 씻다 -> 씻
  2. 씻 + 어요 (add ‘-어요’ since the stem’s vowel is neither ‘ㅏ’ nor ‘ㅗ’)
  3. 씻어요

입다 (to wear)

  1. 입다 -> 입
  2. 입 + 어요 (add ‘-어요’ since the stem’s vowel is neither ‘ㅏ’ nor ‘ㅗ’)
  3. 입어요

  • 점심을 먹어요 (I eat lunch.)
  • 책을 읽어요 (I read a book.)
  • 손을 씻어요 (I wash my hands.)
  • 옷을 입어요 (I wear clothes.)

2. When the word stem ends with the vowel ‘ㅐ’, ‘ㅓ’, or ‘ㅕ’, drop ‘어’ in ‘어요’.

내다 (to put out)

  1. 내다 -> 내
  2. 내+어요 (drop ‘어’ in ‘어요’ since the word stem ends with ‘ㅐ’)
  3. 내요

매다 (to tie)

  1. 매다 -> 매
  2. 매+어요 (drop ‘어’ in ‘어요’ since the word stem ends with ‘ㅐ’)
  3. 매요

보내다 (to send)

  1. 보내다 -> 보내
  2. 보내 + (어)요
  3. 보내요.
  • 쓰레기를 내요 (I put out the trash.)
  • 신발끈을 매요 (I tie my shoelaces.)
  • 저는 친구에게 편지를 보내요. (I send letters to my friends)

3. When the word stem ends with vowel ‘ㅣ’, combine ‘ㅣ’ with ‘어’, so it becomes ‘여’.

시키다 (to order)

  1. 시키다 -> 시키
  2. 시키 + 어요 (combine ‘ㅣ’ with ‘어’, so it becomes ‘여’)
  3. 시켜요

치다 (to hit)

  1. 치다 -> 치
  2. 치 + 어요 (combine ‘ㅣ’ with ‘어’, so it becomes ‘여’)
  3. 쳐요

마시다 (to drink)

  1. 마시다 -> 마시
  2. 마시 + 어요 (combine ‘ㅣ’ with ‘어’, so it becomes ‘여’)
  3. 마셔요

모이다 (to gather)

  1. 모이다 -> 모이
  2. 모이 + 어요 (combine ‘ㅣ’ with ‘어’, so it becomes ‘여’)
  3. 모여요
  • 음식을 시켜요 (I order food.)
  • 공을 쳐요 (I hit the ball.)
  • 물을 마셔요 (I drink water.)
  • 친구들이 모여요 (Friends gather.)

4. When the word stem ends with vowel ‘ㅜ’ , combine ‘ㅜ’ + ‘어’, so it becomes ‘ㅝ’.

주다 (to give)

  1. 주다 -> 주
  2. 주 + 어요 (combine ‘ㅜ’ with ‘어’, so it becomes ‘ㅝ’)
  3. 주어요 -> 줘요

두다 (to put, to place)

  1. 두다 -> 두
  2. 두 + 어요 (combine ‘ㅜ’ with ‘어’, so it becomes ‘ㅝ’)
  3. 두어요 ->

씌우다 (to put on, to cover)

  1. 씌우다 -> 씌우
  2. 씌우 + 어요 (combine ‘ㅜ’ with ‘어’, so it becomes ‘ㅝ’)
  3. 씌우어요 -> 씌워요
  • 선물을 줘요 (I give a gift.)
  • 책을 뒤요 (I put the book.)
  • 모자를 씌워요 (I put on a hat.)

5. When you change ‘하다’, it becomes ‘해요’, which is contracted from ‘하여요’.

공부하다 (to study)

  1. 공부하다 -> 공부하
  2. 공부하 + 어요 (drop ‘어’ in ‘어요’ and change ‘하다’ to ‘해요’)
  3. 공부해요

청소하다 (to clean)

  1. 청소하다 -> 청소하
  2. 청소하 + 어요 (drop ‘어’ in ‘어요’ and change ‘하다’ to ‘해요’)
  3. 청소해요

요리하다 (to cook)

  1. 요리하다 -> 요리하
  2. 요리하 + 어요 (drop ‘어’ in ‘어요’ and change ‘하다’ to ‘해요’)
  3. 요리해요

운동하다 (to exercise)

  1. 운동하다 -> 운동하
  2. 운동하 + 어요 (drop ‘어’ in ‘어요’ and change ‘하다’ to ‘해요’)
  3. 운동해요
  • 오늘 저녁에 공부해요 (I study tonight.)
  • 집을 청소해요 (I clean the house.)
  • 저녁을 요리해요 (I cook dinner.)
  • 아침에 운동해요 (I exercise in the morning.)